1.   And in exceptional circumstances, microscopic intestinal parasites have survived to indicate some of the health problems that people suffered.

2.   In many instances it was dozens or even, as with intestinal parasites, hundreds of times higher than average.

3.   Our immune systems used to encounter intestinal parasites as part of normal development.

4.   This population is characterised by a high prevalence of hepatitis B virus carriers, intestinal parasites, and sexually transmitted diseases.

5.   This regimen will also control infections with other intestinal parasites such as Parascaris equorum and Oxyuris equi.

6.   Unlike other intestinal parasites of similar size the tail has a blunt point.

7.   As a result of this daily contact with soil, almost all youngsters were infected with intestinal parasites such as hookworms, pinworms or whipworms.

8.   Asklepios is said to have cured infertility, paralysis, blindness, kidney stones, bodily tumors, war injuries, intestinal parasites and other ailments.

9.   Both these clues are consistent, the researcher noted, with the growth cycle of Trichuris trichiura, an intestinal parasite known to cause anemia, or iron depletion.

10.   A once-obscure intestinal parasite, Cryptosporidium, caused the largest waterborne disease outbreak ever recognized in this country.

a. + parasite >>共 101
intestinal 10.73%
malarial 6.21%
microscopic 5.65%
adult 2.82%
protozoan 2.82%
dangerous 2.26%
mosquito-borne 2.26%
new 2.26%
tiny 2.26%
common 1.69%
intestinal + n. >>共 165
problem 7.58%
infection 7.35%
disease 4.98%
tract 3.96%
disorder 3.28%
cancer 3.17%
mucosa 2.60%
surgery 2.60%
ailment 2.26%
bacterium 2.26%
parasite 2.15%
每页显示:    共 19