1.   Scores of FBI agents fanned out on Monday to interview potential witnesses.

2.   By Friday, federal agents had fanned out across Long Island to interview witnesses.

3.   Cops interview witnesses who are afflicted with St. Vitus dance.

4.   Each committee has issued dozens of subpoenas and their staffs of lawyers and investigators have begun to interview witnesses.

5.   In days of yore, police reporters and news photographers routinely trampled around crimes scenes to take photos and interview witnesses.

6.   Instead, all-powerful magistrates investigate, interview witnesses, weigh evidence, and issue decisions.

7.   Investigators are preparing to interview witnesses and then will decide whether to prosecute Symington on charges of violating state financial-disclosure laws.

8.   No cars were available to go interview potential witnesses.

9.   One of those dogs licked blood evidence from the grass while police fanned out in a haphazard manner to interview witnesses, Carroll said.

10.   Passage of the resolution empowers the Judiciary Committee to formally begin its investigation and to issue subpoenas, interview witnesses and hold public hearings.

n. + witness >>共 134
prosecution 33.68%
defense 17.75%
government 8.49%
character 4.28%
rebuttal 3.86%
eye 3.51%
police 2.88%
interview 2.39%
child 2.11%
defence 1.54%
interview + n. >>共 263
request 22.40%
room 13.20%
broadcast 5.55%
process 5.55%
session 4.71%
subject 3.16%
witness 2.39%
area 2.11%
program 1.83%
show 1.76%
每页显示:    共 34