1.   Under the terms of the international embargo, medical aid can still be flown into the capital.

2.   Azerbaijan has detained a Russian transport plane that was ferrying arms to Yugoslavia in violation of an international embargo, a senior Azerbaijani official said on Tuesday.

3.   Because of a stiff international embargo, Saddam Hussein has found it difficult to rearm after the losses of the Gulf War.

4.   A U.S. Embassy spokesman said some U.S. warships ships enforcing the international embargo against Haiti have been diverted to assist in the Cuban refugee crisis.

5.   Four years ago, the king backed Iraq and allowed his country to be used to circumvent the international embargo against it.

6.   He portrayed the financing as a patriotic act forced upon him because of an international embargo against Yugoslav funds being sent abroad.

7.   Its economy stagnated, crippled by ideological dogmatism at home and a US-led international embargo.

8.   Last year, Ekeus found that Iraq, which is still under an international embargo, had been trying to import gyroscopes.

9.   Many residents expressed hope the international economic embargo against Haiti would be lifted soon.

10.   Milosevic has kept power during nearly a decade of conflicts and international embargo, but the Serbian economy is in ruins.

a. + embargo >>共 161
economic 42.02%
international 12.87%
american 3.40%
crippling 2.98%
current 1.49%
longstanding 1.38%
iraqi 1.06%
long-standing 1.06%
total 0.96%
crushing 0.96%
international + n. >>共 808
community 5.34%
aid 2.33%
force 1.85%
pressure 1.75%
observer 1.72%
official 1.67%
conference 1.62%
organization 1.59%
trade 1.59%
market 1.55%
embargo 0.18%
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