1.   Because Pol Pot is not in international custody, the question of what to do with him is still considered hypothetical by diplomats here.

2.   A small child is taken by one parent, survives a perilous journey to a foreign land and becomes the center of an impassioned international custody dispute.

3.   But none have received the attention of the most famous first-grader in the world, the subject of an international custody battle.

4.   Elian has been at the middle of an international custody battle since he was found floating on an inner tube off the coast of Florida on Thanksgiving Day.

5.   He has said he would stay in this country if the international custody battle turns into a prolonged legal fight.

6.   Now rebellion is happening again, as political leaders in Miami-Dade County say they plan to defy federal authority in the international custody case of Elian Gonzalez.

7.   Plans to deliver Pol Pot to international custody have been rumored before.

8.   The legal maneuverings are only the latest in an international custody battle that has reached operatic proportions for many of the people involved.

9.   The two sides in the international custody battle agreed Tuesday night to reunite father and son in Washington Wednesday.

10.   Alarcon denied that the international custody case demonstrated a difference between the U.S. and Cuban governments.

a. + custody >>共 215
federal 8.16%
military 6.72%
temporary 6.40%
state 5.60%
joint 4.24%
investigative 4.08%
international 3.60%
legal 3.44%
israeli 2.72%
sole 2.48%
international + n. >>共 808
community 5.34%
aid 2.33%
force 1.85%
pressure 1.75%
observer 1.72%
official 1.67%
conference 1.62%
organization 1.59%
trade 1.59%
market 1.55%
custody 0.07%
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