1.   A cervical vagotomy was performed through a midline neck incision and a tracheostomy tube was inserted at the same time.

2.   A large feeding tube was inserted into the stomach via a gastrotomy and threaded through the duodenum past the anastomosis.

3.   Dr Marc Cartwright, anaesthetist on the cardiac arrest team, said it took several minutes to spot the mistake and insert the tube properly.

4.   Before being force fed, the prisoners were sedated, and then a tube was inserted through their noses and down their throats.

5.   A hernia has been repaired twice, one testicle had to be lowered, tubes were inserted in his ears to fight infections.

6.   A third surgery inserted a tube into his chest to remove the blood from around his heart.

7.   After Harry underwent anesthesia and a breathing tube was inserted in his windpipe, a surgeon removed the adenoids without complication.

8.   After the game, doctors poked a hole through his chest, inserting a tube so the lung could be reinflated.

9.   After the sample is collected every morning, another tube is inserted and the box is put back into place on the roof.

10.   After urinating, the man inserts the tube into his wet urethral opening, she said.

v. + tube >>共 189
insert 15.24%
remove 7.72%
use 5.69%
have 4.67%
place 3.46%
take 2.44%
attach 1.83%
put 1.83%
watch 1.63%
make 1.63%
insert + n. >>共 513
gene 5.30%
tube 5.30%
needle 3.18%
pin 3.04%
provision 2.97%
screw 2.62%
catheter 2.19%
language 2.12%
card 1.91%
stent 1.70%
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