1.   An increasing proportion of the early potato crop is grown under polythene sheeting.

2.   An increasing proportion of the latter occupations seek to live beyond the cities and to commute back to them.

3.   An increasing proportion of these services will be provided by local communities on a fee-paying basis.

4.   As a result, families represent an increasing proportion of households with the lowest standards of living.

5.   In addition there has been an increasing proportion of companies concerned with distribution, and with larger retail unit operations.

6.   In effect, landlords have clawed back for themselves an increasing proportion of rate relief on premises within enterprise zones.

7.   On the harder ADs and Difficiles, and increasing proportion of pitching will be necessary.

8.   The financial constraints on wives are also not so serious, as an increasing proportion of Married women are in full-time work.

9.   They merely pave the way for an increasing proportion of those emissions to come from the burning of imported coal.

10.   Although about two-thirds of students still came from the gentry estate, an increasing proportion of them seem to have been poor.

a. + proportion >>共 372
high 7.11%
large 6.74%
higher 5.79%
small 5.42%
epidemic 3.46%
larger 3.19%
significant 3.05%
epic 2.82%
greater 2.55%
direct 2.55%
increasing 1.32%
increasing + n. >>共 1215
number 15.27%
pressure 6.72%
demand 2.99%
competition 2.73%
frequency 1.40%
criticism 1.34%
concern 1.31%
amount 1.23%
tension 1.22%
use 1.19%
proportion 0.31%
每页显示:    共 29