1.   The manual, conceived with input from nearly everyone in the organization, also includes a chapter on a code of conduct.

2.   The revised edition includes a chapter on Gordon Brown.

3.   The whole of the present Limavady District is considered in the broad sweep of topics examined, including introductory chapters on geology, landscape and administrative divisions.

4.   An invaluable reference source for rituals and traditions, it also includes chapters on Keeping Kosher and Stocking the Jewish Pantry.

5.   Both books include detailed chapters on the British Afghan expeditions.

6.   Bruce Holsinger included a chapter on her in his Columbia University dissertation on homoeroticism in the Middle Ages.

7.   Davis was asked if he had planned to include a chapter on the Eyes caper.

8.   Entango of San Jose is developing online fund-raising tools for nonprofit organizations, including several chapters of the American Red Cross and International Planned Parenthood.

9.   For years, Amazon and Barnesandnoble.com, its main rival, have included chapters of some books in text form.

10.   Gilster offers tips on several effective ways to tap in, including one chapter on a typical Internet day in his life.

v. + chapter >>共 168
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include + n. >>共 1616
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