1.   If you look at a new-born gorilla or chimpanzee they seem skinny little things compared with human babies.

2.   Also, a National Bioethics Advisory Commission recommended that scientists be allowed to continue to research cloning techniques, they be prohibited from cloning human babies.

3.   Because human babies also pass through predictable stages of development, he theorized that defects in the brain might be reflected in early movements.

4.   All the bills would make it a crime to clone a human baby, something some U.S. and foreign researchers say they are working on.

5.   Bush favors a ban on all human cloning, whether to make a human baby or for research on potentially lifesaving therapies.

6.   But the advocates of cloning human babies for those who want to create their own genetic copies were unimpressed.

7.   He hopes it will learn the way a human baby does, figuring out for itself how to behave and how to respond to its environment.

8.   He hopes it will learn the way a human baby does, figuring out for itself things like how to behave and how to respond to its environment.

9.   He hopes it will learn the way a human baby does, figuring out for itself things how to behave and how to respond to its environment.

10.   Human babies, he noted, are born with functional immune systems.

a. + baby >>共 724
new 7.83%
newborn 5.60%
premature 4.41%
born 4.02%
healthy 3.24%
first 3.21%
unborn 2.19%
little 1.90%
dead 1.69%
tiny 1.34%
human 1.23%
human + n. >>共 1015
life 3.11%
body 2.93%
remains 2.45%
shield 2.19%
embryo 2.17%
error 2.08%
genome 1.88%
cell 1.46%
brain 1.33%
resource 1.33%
baby 0.18%
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