1.   He hosted the meetings where the rebellion was fomented which ousted Mrs Thatcher from power.

2.   Palestinian and Jordanian pressure for a summit had been mounting since April, and in early May Iraq announced that it would host the meeting.

3.   As he awaits action on Capitol Hill, McCain promised to host town hall meetings in the home states of the foes of campaign finance reform.

4.   Before Hialeah hosts a meeting, Brunetti may have to spend serious money on renovations.

5.   After canvassing voters and hosting town hall meetings around the state earlier this year, Georgia Perot supporters found only fledgling support for forming a third party.

6.   Al Hayat, a leading Arabic newspaper, reported Wednesday that Germany, France, and the Netherlands have expressed willingness to host the meeting.

7.   Each mother-daughter pair takes a turn hosting the meeting, choosing the book and planning a related activity.

8.   France will host a meeting of experts in October to search for the most efficient way to manage and dispose of fissile materials such as plutonium.

9.   France will host a meeting of experts in October to search for the most efficient way to manage and dispose of materials such as plutonium.

10.   He had been similarly obdurate in hosting a meeting of feminists, who left his office furious over his dismissal of their objections to impeachment.

v. + meeting >>共 373
attend 15.73%
hold 15.72%
schedule 4.66%
follow 4.14%
have 3.78%
arrange 3.25%
call 3.20%
plan 2.53%
cancel 2.40%
chair 1.99%
host 1.22%
host + n. >>共 483
meeting 7.37%
event 6.86%
talk 4.99%
game 4.80%
conference 4.37%
dinner 3.55%
summit 3.51%
party 3.20%
show 2.26%
tournament 1.95%
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