1.   An executive order to revoke federal contracts of businesses that hire illegal workers.

2.   As irrational as it sounds, many companies hire new workers and then turn around and slash their payrolls.

3.   Businesses may only hire foreign workers where an American cannot be found.

4.   Employers in the service industry who check grades before hiring young workers have a more productive workforce.

5.   Employers who hire a worker must contact the federal government, which checks to ensure that the new bloke has his papers.

6.   He hired extra workers to help at harvest time.

7.   The private mental health workers would be hired on a contract basis through the county.

8.   Their threat to hire replacement workers has the union with its back to the wall.

9.   Hired unskilled workers because they would work for lower wages.

10.   The store hires seasonal workers during the holidays.

v. + worker >>共 980
hire 4.61%
kill 3.75%
protect 2.79%
pay 2.61%
fire 2.26%
represent 2.13%
injure 1.89%
send 1.52%
keep 1.51%
say 1.36%
hire + n. >>共 747
worker 9.03%
lawyer 5.99%
people 5.21%
coach 3.58%
teacher 2.93%
employee 2.63%
staff 2.58%
attorney 1.63%
manager 1.56%
consultant 1.54%
每页显示:    共 414