1.   General practitioners have had to bear a much heavier load than even the most pessimistic were expecting.

2.   It is natural for some people to carry a slightly heavier load because of ability, experience, motivation or pride.

3.   Would they be able to lift this heavier load?

4.   Andruw is carrying an even heavier load.

5.   All employers and insurance companies, many providers and some insured people would be forced to shoulder a heavier load.

6.   But putting this Cowboys team on his back and carrying them to the playoffs would be an even heavier load.

7.   Camels carry heavier loads than horses.

8.   Corporate shrinkage causes the workers who survive job cuts to carry heavier loads.

9.   For heavier loads, the brackets can be made into a U form as well.

10.   Increasing the size of the system to handle heavier loads and larger subscriber bases is a matter of multiplying the hardware.

a. + load >>共 283
heavy 16.32%
full 6.10%
viral 4.34%
teaching 2.69%
heavier 2.17%
first 2.07%
scoring 2.07%
offensive 1.76%
large 1.76%
huge 1.65%
heavier + n. >>共 344
rain 5.50%
shower 3.90%
weight 3.78%
snow 3.67%
penalty 2.87%
burden 2.75%
load 2.41%
element 2.18%
sentence 1.95%
weapon 1.83%
每页显示:    共 21