1.   As the Taliban captured more territory and enforced their harsh brand of Islam on larger swaths of the population, concern began to grow in Pakistan and Washington.

2.   Kandaharis say Omar and his militia previewed their harsh brand of justice when he took their city.

3.   The Taliban, though, and its harsh brand of Islamic fundamentalism have decried all of these activities as sacrilegious.

4.   They were in constant, often violent, conflict with the tribal Pashtuns who founded the Taliban and implemented a particularly harsh brand of Sunni Islam.

5.   Pakistan is among only a handful of nations that have recognized the Taliban, who advocate a harsh brand of Islam that has alienated many Muslim countries.

6.   Caning, done by trained rattan-stick wielders in prisons, is a common form of punishment in Singapore, known for its harsh brand of justice.

7.   In Taliban-ruled Afghanistan, where a harsh brand of Islam has been imposed, photography is forbidden and offenders are publicly beaten.

8.   In the areas they control they have imposed a harsh brand of Islamic law that forbids women from working and girls from attending school.

9.   In Taliban-ruled Afghanistan where a harsh brand of Islam has been imposed, photography has been forbidden and offenders are publicly beaten.

10.   She is now unemployed because of the Taliban, Islamic militia who embrace a harsh brand of Islamic law, have banned women working and girls going to school.

a. + brand >>共 748
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harsh 1.13%
harsh + n. >>共 607
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winter 5.28%
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