1.   Also, analysis on how the transition has been handled.

2.   As I learned late, there are effective ways to encourage kids to handle transitions.

3.   Bowden and his staff can handle that transition, but they, too, will be making some adjustments.

4.   A less disciplined, less mature person might not have handled the transition Chris has experienced over the past year.

5.   A quantum leap in trans-Atlantic cooperation will be required to handle this transition to the new reality along with its long-term effects.

6.   But he said that his welfare and Medicaid experts had concluded that Ohio could handle the transition from entitlements to block grants.

7.   But the biggest problem with both of the leading alternatives is how to handle the transition to a new system.

8.   His bullish attitude, as reflected in the way he handled the transition into more sports coverage by TNN, has proved to be one of his strongest allies.

9.   Roy Neel, a longtime friend and adviser to Gore who is handling transition planning, said that Gore was understandably concerned about developments in Florida.

10.   Will the company be able to handle the transition from the old generation of products to the new ones?

v. + transition >>共 215
make 39.11%
ease 9.20%
complete 3.70%
oversee 3.45%
begin 2.22%
smooth 2.05%
manage 1.73%
discuss 1.64%
mark 1.56%
handle 1.07%
handle + n. >>共 948
case 6.98%
situation 2.99%
matter 2.21%
issue 1.95%
ball 1.50%
problem 1.46%
account 1.28%
sale 1.24%
pressure 1.20%
crisis 1.08%
transition 0.12%
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