1.   For the one principal and one guidance counselor to have constant contact with all our kids would be an impossibility.

2.   High-school guidance counselors and friends who are already in college need to inform young people what they are getting into.

3.   I must follow up problem students with the deans or the guidance counselors.

4.   Miss Guthridge tells Miss Peterson, the guidance counselor, that vocational aptitude tests are meaningless.

5.   Spider was a big brother, a mentor, a guidance counselor that put the whole world in his hands.

6.   Those making the allegations include a priest, guidance counselor, professor, engineer and lawyer.

7.   We can read the books children are reading, find out what happens in class, ask what the guidance counselor said.

8.   You can also talk to guidance counselors.

9.   Always start with the teacher and school guidance counselor.

10.   American guidance counselors nonetheless raise a few red flags about Canada.

n. + counselor >>共 167
guidance 21.39%
school 9.01%
grief 6.62%
career 6.62%
marriage 5.43%
drug 4.13%
health 3.15%
investment 2.39%
crisis 2.06%
job 1.95%
guidance + n. >>共 60
counselor 42.73%
system 28.20%
note 2.82%
office 2.17%
computer 1.95%
technology 1.74%
program 1.08%
equipment 0.87%
device 0.87%
material 0.87%
每页显示:    共 196