1.   A civilian was wounded Saturday when guerrillas detonated a roadside bomb in an Israeli-occupied border enclave of southern Lebanon, security sources said.

2.   A Hezbollah statement issued in Beirut said guerrillas detonated the bomb to target a group of militiamen of the pro-Israeli South Lebanon Army at Kfar Houna.

3.   A Hezbollah statement issued in Beirut said guerrillas detonated the bomb to target a group of SLA militiamen at the Kfar Houna crossing, causing several casualties.

4.   After the guerrillas detonated three roadside bombs, they fired machine guns at the convoy, the sources said.

5.   Also Sunday, Hezbollah guerrillas detonated a bomb as an SLA patrol traveled on a road near the Christian town of Jezzine, security officials said.

6.   An Israeli-allied militiaman was wounded Friday when Hezbollah guerrillas detonated a roadside bomb in an Israeli-occupied enclave in southern Lebanon, militia officials said.

7.   An Israeli-allied militiaman was wounded Sunday when guerrillas detonated a roadside bomb in an Israeli-occupied zone in southern Lebanon, security officials said.

8.   As a tracker and another soldier got out to examine the explosive from a distance, guerrillas detonated it, killing the Bedouin tracker, Kaplinsky told Israeli radio.

9.   Barak faced security problems on a second front today when Hezbollah guerrillas detonated a roadside bomb, injuring several Israeli soldiers in a disputed area near the Lebanese border.

10.   Earlier, guerrillas detonated a roadside bomb in an Israeli-occupied border enclave, wounding an Israeli-allied militiaman, the officials said.

n. + detonate >>共 100
guerrilla 25.05%
bomb 9.21%
bomber 8.47%
police 6.45%
explosive 4.42%
militant 3.13%
rebel 2.21%
expert 1.84%
shell 1.84%
device 1.84%
guerrilla + v. >>共 658
fire 7.81%
attack 6.22%
be 4.77%
kill 4.00%
ambush 2.86%
fight 2.59%
detonate 2.49%
say 2.24%
use 2.15%
launch 1.28%
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