1.   Guard officials will select the communities that will host the teams.

2.   He used his friendship and considerable influence with recalcitrant governors, adjutants general and other guard officials in the South and elsewhere where guard units routinely barred blacks.

3.   Moreover, the show was included in the exhaustive two-part Biennale catalogue and an official Biennale guard stood at its entrance.

4.   A border guard official said the vessel was suspected of having fished in an area of the Black Sea that is temporarily off-limits.

5.   Border guard officials initially said the plane had arrived from the Czech Republic, but they corrected their report Friday.

6.   Border guard officials charged the crew of the Turkish boat with fishing in an area of the Black Sea that is temporarily off-limits.

7.   Border guard officials also argued the location was more convenient for blocking illegal alcohol traffic from Georgia to Russia.

8.   Border guard officials told ITAR-Tass that frogs are sought as a delicacy in China.

9.   Border guard officials said four ships were taking part in the search, but aircraft could not be used because of bad weather in the area.

10.   Four Spaniards arrested aboard the freighter were taken to a national court in Madrid, said a civil guard official who asked not to be identified.

n. + official >>共 339
government 15.68%
administration 6.51%
security 5.00%
city 4.28%
police 4.19%
company 3.43%
ministry 3.37%
health 3.21%
enforcement 2.61%
school 2.27%
guard 0.03%
guard + n. >>共 244
duty 8.16%
post 6.69%
dog 6.61%
position 6.28%
hostage 4.81%
rail 4.49%
tower 4.32%
spot 3.67%
unit 3.18%
play 2.61%
official 2.04%
每页显示:    共 25