1.   Secondly, this book is primarily about constitutional and administrative law and about governmental institutions.

2.   Tatarinov argued that all ministries and other governmental institutions should be obliged to produce detailed estimates for the year ahead at the time they submitted their annual accounts.

3.   Corruption of the public, Will said, is worse than abuse of governmental institutions.

4.   He acknowledged, however, that he had not persuaded Britain to move on reviving those governmental institutions.

5.   Several residents said that in the absence of governmental institutions or attention, they turn to the guerrillas to solve daily problems.

6.   Central government regulator said domestic futures companies are prohibited from accepting funds from governmental institutions, the army and units with financial support from the central government.

7.   IDC is a governmental financial institution that was established mainly to promote industry in South Africa.

8.   The Supreme Court was the first governmental institution of any kind to back President Biljana Plavsic.

9.   There is an elected legislature, governmental institutions and a police force.

10.   French governmental institutions should be re-thought, Strauss-Kahn argues, and turned into a fully presidential system.

a. + institution >>共 502
financial 28.42%
international 4.35%
educational 2.03%
democratic 1.98%
lending 1.96%
japanese 1.79%
public 1.71%
private 1.63%
cultural 1.61%
foreign 1.54%
governmental 0.12%
governmental + n. >>共 338
agency 7.36%
body 4.70%
affair 2.86%
power 2.56%
entity 2.25%
authority 2.15%
policy 1.84%
institution 1.53%
administration 1.53%
structure 1.43%
每页显示:    共 15