1.   Another three years later the passion had cooled somewhat but genuine affection remained.

2.   They held hands and laughed, and the genuine affection between the two was obvious.

3.   Yet with me, and only me, he showed other qualities, like tenderness, true brotherly love, genuine affection.

4.   And talking to the two men, watching them in one of their rare times together, it is impossible not to feel their fierce loyalty and genuine affection.

5.   As a contrast, Abrams said that Helen Hunt, the winner in the Best Actress category, indicated a genuine affection for screenwriter James L. Brooks.

6.   As the instructors give them their diplomas, they hug and kiss each student with genuine affection.

7.   At their election-night party, Republican activists greeted their man with genuine affection.

8.   But Niami treats his subjects with respect and has a genuine affection for them.

9.   But the tribute to Mountbatten was more out of guilt than genuine affection.

10.   Crowe is the rare Hollywood writer and director whose movies convey a genuine affection for his characters and for people in general.

a. + affection >>共 176
great 9.63%
deep 7.00%
genuine 5.69%
special 5.03%
public 4.60%
mutual 3.72%
obvious 2.84%
particular 2.84%
personal 2.19%
physical 1.97%
genuine + n. >>共 1051
article 3.30%
refugee 3.07%
concern 2.33%
interest 1.94%
peace 1.40%
desire 1.13%
affection 1.01%
hero 1.01%
threat 0.97%
emotion 0.85%
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