1.   The project is nothing less than mapping every gene sequence in the human body.

2.   A new component of the system automatically searches for similarities between gene sequences and finds articles on related topics.

3.   But do these gene sequences define limits that we must live within or influences that may, if understood, be overcome or turned to an advantage?

4.   But now, they say, most scientists agree that having the entire gene sequence is extremely valuable.

5.   By reading the gene sequence, pharmaceutical companies will be able to manufacture the hormone artificially or devise ways of blocking its action.

6.   Carl J. Eibl, general counsel at Mycogen, said the patent broadly covered any method of modifying Bt gene sequences to make them resemble plant genes.

7.   Companies can use this information royalty-free, except where it involves a gene sequence patented by Celera.

8.   Despite the advances, it still takes weeks to go from a gene sequence to a three-dimensional protein structure.

9.   For each gene, there might be two, or three, common variations at one or two positions in the gene sequence, not hundreds.

10.   He predicted the gene sequences of all human chromosomes will be published within two years.

n. + sequence >>共 258
action 12.08%
genome 6.55%
dream 5.24%
dance 5.09%
gene 4.66%
fantasy 3.93%
writethru 3.35%
battle 2.62%
fight 2.18%
title 1.89%
gene + n. >>共 238
therapy 33.39%
mutation 3.17%
experiment 2.85%
sequence 2.54%
research 2.22%
trial 1.90%
test 1.90%
expression 1.74%
fragment 1.74%
technology 1.67%
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