1.   A further indication of the skill and care with which the arrangements were made was our accommodation for the night.

2.   The media, once again, saw it as further indication of encroaching madness.

3.   This is a further indication of the influence of bookish language on the spoken style.

4.   He also alleged that the disappearance of Agriculture Department files relating to the BNL-Rafidain connection gave further indications of a cover-up within the administration.

5.   A further indication of the hierarchical structure of the monastic order of monks and nuns is the growth of rules.

6.   His appointment is a further indication that Gloucester was not indulging in a witch-hunt outside the immediate Woodville circle.

7.   Similarly, bleeding from oesophageal varices that have not responded to repeated sessions of injection sclerotherapy is a further indication for surgical intervention.

8.   Analysts said the report was a further indication that the Fed was likely to defer cutting interest rates.

a. + indication >>共 238
immediate 16.77%
early 11.58%
first 10.00%
clear 9.00%
strong 5.43%
good 3.33%
latest 3.19%
initial 2.81%
further 2.43%
preliminary 2.10%
further + n. >>共 781
detail 13.81%
comment 3.59%
information 2.76%
talk 2.30%
investigation 2.01%
action 1.95%
cut 1.54%
study 1.54%
test 1.45%
evidence 1.41%
indication 0.17%
每页显示:    共 51