1.   He was encouraged to resume a normal fluid intake and not to restrict fluids because his bladder felt uncomfortable.

2.   If age, weakness, or intercurrent illness prevents adequate fluid intake, then severe hypertonicity May result.

3.   Patients keep daily diaries of fluid intake and voiding.

4.   Sickness may develop from inadequate fluid intake.

5.   An increase in fiber should be accompanied by an increase in fluid intake.

6.   Bed rest and large fluid intake are essential.

7.   A doctor may also ask a patient to keep a record of fluid intake, in case excessive fluids are contributing to the problem.

8.   Drinking water had the clearest link to reducing bladder cancer, but milk, juices, coffee, and even alcoholic beverages in daily fluid intake also helped.

9.   Instead of the long proboscis typical of many moths, Gluphisia has a short, curved beak that opens into a wide oral cleft built for fluid intake.

10.   Inadequate water consumption also could add to the problem, and increasing fluid intake benefited most of the patients in the study, he said.

a. + intake >>共 109
fat 13.79%
caloric 9.85%
daily 8.13%
salt 3.94%
high 3.94%
dietary 3.94%
fluid 3.69%
sharp 3.69%
new 2.46%
recommended 2.46%
fluid + n. >>共 276
motion 3.79%
transport 3.31%
buildup 3.15%
retention 3.15%
loss 2.84%
movement 2.52%
situation 2.52%
intake 2.37%
secretion 2.05%
absorption 1.89%
每页显示:    共 15