1.   Richards and I went to flight school together.

2.   Although flight schools are not happy about the federal restrictions, many state officials say Washington has not done enough.

3.   Alpha Tango Flying Service, a flight school that was formerly at the airfield frequently trained foreign pilots, Bruce said.

4.   Among the items left behind were a flight simulator computer program, a list of U.S. flight schools and documents describing unconventional weapons.

5.   Among the many leads being followed by the FBI is a systematic effort to locate the flight schools where all of the suspected hijackers trained.

6.   An FBI agent in Phoenix filed a report warning of Middle Eastern men using American flight schools, and urged a full agency investigation.

7.   And even without the required student visa, they went to flight school in Florida anyway.

8.   Another lawsuit could be filed against the Florida flight school that instructed Kennedy.

9.   Another flight school that trained foreign students, Volare Aviation, operated out of McAllen-Miller International Airport until recent years.

10.   Ashcroft said that the hijack teams included pilots who had been trained in the United States, at least two of them at a commercial flight school in Florida.

n. + school >>共 658
law 19.07%
charter 12.05%
business 7.05%
flight 4.91%
art 2.73%
city 2.30%
neighborhood 2.02%
film 1.73%
day 1.44%
area 1.37%
flight + n. >>共 481
recorder 7.65%
crew 7.38%
school 5.71%
home 4.87%
plan 4.27%
delay 3.74%
controller 3.68%
schedule 3.51%
path 3.47%
simulator 2.43%
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