1.   Both candidates promised to increase credits for impoverished peasant farmers, raise government spending for education and health care and fight corruption.

2.   He then promised to create a national institute for women, to promote social justice, increase wages and fight corruption and crime.

3.   How can a legislature fight corruption when its members have their own deals on the side?

4.   The U.S. money would be available as long as countries respect human rights, fight corruption, educate their people and open their markets, Bush said.

5.   Au said Macau must take steps to improve security and fight corruption in government.

6.   He promised to unite the country, fight corruption and work for those with less.

7.   He urged the Sofia government to reduce taxes, simplify registration of businesses, modernize the judicial system, fight corruption and do more to promote the country internationally.

8.   In his bid for the six-year term, Patron has pledged to improve lax law enforcement and fight corruption, both problems he blames on the PRI.

9.   Must streamline military, fight corruption.

10.   The junta said it wanted fight corruption and work to improve the lives of the poor.

n. + corruption >>共 83
government 44.59%
police 22.52%
drug 9.19%
army 2.07%
fight 1.63%
enterprise 1.33%
soccer 1.33%
cartel 1.04%
battle 0.89%
border 0.74%
fight + n. >>共 206
song 8.45%
scene 8.29%
fan 6.91%
game 5.99%
card 5.07%
promoter 4.61%
night 3.69%
terrorism 2.61%
sequence 2.30%
corruption 1.69%
每页显示:    共 11