1.   DONs can be a fast way of establishing links between major conurbations, often by means of fibre optics.

2.   The DoI runs a mass of schemes to support research in particular areas, ranging from robots to fibre optics.

3.   Fibre optics, which change colour in your hands.

4.   The firm is still installing fibre optics and has yet to reach agreement with Hongkong Telecom to connect to the existing network.

5.   A meeting with Mustafa reveals a great many facts about fibre optics that leaves one flabbergasted.

6.   Aggressive efforts are also being made to sell its fibre optics in new markets like Saudi Arabia, India and Indonesia.

7.   British involvement in Malaysia would be more in the high technology end of the market like aerospace, fibre optics and composite materials, he added.

8.   Fibre optics can be applied in homes as well as commercial premises.

9.   Fibre optics is his forte and his love.

10.   He feels he can help develop devices to increase the capacity of fibre optics which could be manufactured in Malaysia for export.

n. + optics >>共 12
fibre 65.71%
wave 5.71%
high-quality 2.86%
high-tech 2.86%
night 2.86%
night-vision 2.86%
opthalmic 2.86%
projection 2.86%
space 2.86%
telescope 2.86%
fibre + n. >>共 65
optics 13.77%
cable 13.17%
diet 8.98%
content 7.78%
network 5.99%
rat 3.59%
group 2.40%
intake 1.80%
product 1.80%
score 1.80%
每页显示:    共 23