1.   Already, neighboring countries have watched jittery tourists and foreign investors turn their backs on the region as a result of political violence and farm invasions.

2.   And frustration over the slow pace of change has led to farm invasions, which began under white rule and have continued sporadically under the black governments.

3.   But they say the farm invasions also played a role.

4.   Critics say the government is using the farm invasions as one instrument in a campaign of intimidation against supporters of the new party, the Movement for Democratic Change.

5.   Despite the statements, Mugabe has so far refused to call off the farm invasions.

6.   Far from condemning the farm invasions, Mugabe has encouraged them.

7.   Far more people were killed in a single explosion in Congo last week than have died in two months of farm invasions in Zimbabwe.

8.   His supporters threatened to kill the Supreme Court justices who deemed the farm invasions illegal.

9.   In South Africa and Namibia, where whites still own most of the fertile land, officials have said they will never tolerate such farm invasions.

10.   The High Court, meanwhile, charged him with contempt two weeks ago for failing to end the farm invasions, which the court twice ruled were illegal.

n. + invasion >>共 86
land 16.24%
ground 13.28%
pitch 9.96%
farm 6.64%
barbarian 3.69%
privacy 3.32%
medium 1.85%
rebel 1.85%
ant 1.48%
embassy 1.48%
farm + n. >>共 589
worker 6.86%
bill 5.01%
animal 4.86%
system 4.58%
subsidy 3.91%
product 3.14%
program 2.54%
field 2.15%
minister 2.09%
land 2.01%
invasion 0.31%
每页显示:    共 18