1.   A faint smile eased her heavy mouth.

2.   A faint smile spread across her face.

3.   Hannah nodded her head again, a faint smile creeping across her face.

4.   He contemplated her with a faint smile.

5.   He could not resist a faint smile creeping over his face.

6.   He exhaled sharply and managed a faint smile.

7.   He gave her a faint smile of acknowledgement.

8.   Her head was lowered in obedience, but there was a faint smile on her cherry lips.

9.   Lee went out the north door, a faint smile on his face.

10.   She gave a faint smile.

a. + smile >>共 734
big 6.19%
broad 4.15%
wide 3.17%
wry 2.64%
little 1.98%
easy 1.93%
warm 1.87%
slight 1.69%
shy 1.66%
small 1.60%
faint 1.51%
faint + n. >>共 296
hope 6.55%
smile 5.76%
praise 4.18%
sound 3.28%
smell 3.28%
glow 2.60%
sign 2.49%
signal 1.92%
light 1.69%
voice 1.69%
每页显示:    共 51