1.   This fact has emerged during a pilot test of a new computer program developed by scientists for the Department of Transport.

2.   The facts emerged after a lengthy investigation.

3.   Incidentally, an interesting fact emerged from Clubcall.

4.   Almost no facts have emerged that move the understanding of the situation in a linear fashion, from crash to cause.

5.   Amid all the talk about slashing social programs, an undeniable fact has emerged.

6.   But Hackett has said he is still waiting for all the facts to emerge before commenting.

7.   But they warned that it was too early to tell and that much could change as more facts emerge.

8.   Curious facts emerge.

9.   In the days after the shootings, many groups recycled familiar themes, fine-tuning them as more facts emerged.

n. + emerge >>共 1575
detail 2.37%
evidence 2.28%
pattern 1.97%
sign 1.65%
picture 1.46%
report 1.44%
leader 1.41%
consensus 1.36%
difference 1.29%
problem 1.29%
fact 0.44%
fact + v. >>共 280
be 66.23%
remain 6.03%
make 1.64%
do 1.21%
come 1.01%
have 0.94%
emerge 0.84%
seem 0.80%
get 0.67%
show 0.60%
每页显示:    共 25