1.   Although nearly all astronomers agree that these detected objects are extrasolar planets, a few holdouts are not so sure.

2.   And except for the extrasolar planets extremely close to their host stars, most of these objects appear to travel in orbits unlike those of planets around the Sun.

3.   Any other large ones there were catapulted into deeper, longer orbits and would be undetectable in the brief time astronomers have been looking for evidence of extrasolar planets.

4.   As Boss and other scientists pointed out, the Hubble telescope was not designed specifically to study extrasolar planets.

5.   Astronomers concede that so far their sampling of extrasolar planets may not be representative, only a reflection of detection capabilities.

6.   Astronomers Geoff Marcy and Paul Butler of San Francisco State University are among those who have reported indirect evidence of extrasolar planets.

7.   A strong skeptic is Geoffrey Marcy of San Francisco State, a leading figure in the search for extrasolar planets.

8.   But the main goal of the work, which was reported in Nature, is to use the same kind of approach to observe extrasolar planets.

9.   But with the new findings, the discovery team and other scientists said Wednesday, the search for extrasolar planets crossed a new frontier of expectations.

10.   Extrasolar planets have now appeared almost next door to the solar system, too.

a. + planet >>共 253
red 6.29%
different 6.04%
distant 5.67%
giant 4.69%
new 4.32%
extrasolar 3.70%
entire 3.45%
whole 2.96%
the 2.10%
home 2.10%
extrasolar + n. >>共 3
planet 93.75%
discovery 3.13%
system 3.13%
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