1.   The work is supported by an extensive database on world mineral production, availability and trade.

2.   As a result, AOL probably has the most extensive database of online consumer practices and preferences in the world.

3.   As the field of genomics progresses, the report said, scientists will increasingly use computer-aided systems with extensive databases of chemical information.

4.   Etown has amassed an extensive database of its own consumer-electronics reviews and recommendations and acts as a referral service for online electronics dealers.

5.   Hollywood will continue to maintain the site, which features an extensive database of movies, film-recommendation software, reviews and other content.

6.   Its proprietary technology on infectious diseases and extensive genetic databases will be used to develop drug candidates.

7.   One of the most popular free services is Scholarships.com, which matches students to scholarships, grants, fellowships and internships from an extensive database.

8.   PC users with extensive databases and spreadsheets can run into a separate set of date problems.

9.   She spent much of that time in the community laying the groundwork that would lead to the extensive database.

10.   Skinet takes advantage of extensive databases that can make the job of finding a resort fairly easy.

a. + database >>共 315
relational 6.58%
national 6.08%
online 3.50%
electronic 3.42%
new 3.25%
central 2.83%
large 2.67%
computerized 2.58%
huge 2.42%
searchable 2.33%
extensive 2.00%
extensive + n. >>共 1190
damage 7.14%
experience 2.66%
research 2.64%
use 2.01%
coverage 1.59%
network 1.55%
search 1.27%
interview 1.17%
collection 1.15%
background 1.10%
database 0.40%
每页显示:    共 24