1.   Grand juries only determine whether sufficient evidence exists to justify an indictment.

2.   If satisfied they indicate that an appropriate level of concern exists to justify legal intervention but an order will not automatically follow.

3.   At the outset, many money managers are likely to monitor volume and other market information to determine if sufficient activity exists to justify taking a position.

4.   Also, by the time a case goes to trial, the courts usually are satisfied that enough evidence exists to justify the arrest and prosecution, he said.

5.   But does enough abuse exist to justify the cuts, without a transition period for those who have become dependent on government, he asks?

6.   By the end of this year, Airbus will have to decide whether sufficient demand for the new aircraft exists to justify starting construction.

7.   Legitimate medical reasons exist to justify this.

8.   Until now, however, the FDA has said not enough scientific evidence existed to justify removing it from the market.

v. + justify >>共 56
use 45.93%
exist 6.98%
do 2.91%
invoke 2.91%
cite 2.91%
emerge 2.33%
fabricate 1.74%
print 1.74%
say 1.74%
advance 1.16%
exist + v. >>共 231
make 3.59%
protect 3.38%
show 3.17%
help 2.96%
justify 2.54%
provide 2.33%
serve 2.11%
support 2.11%
bring 2.11%
do 1.90%
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