1.   Mant also exhumed the corpses of allied airmen from cemeteries and unmarked graves to see if they had been murdered by the Germans, rather than killed in combat.

2.   The corpse has been exhumed.

3.   Other forensic investigators have begun examining corpses already exhumed at a makeshift morgue in an abandoned clothing factory outside Tuzla.

4.   He said once the town is more secure -- the soldiers there repelled a rebel attack early Tuesday morning -- U.N. officials would return to exhume the corpses.

5.   He spoke with coroners who exhumed five corpses from a muddy ditch by the road.

6.   Nowak spoke with coroners who had exhumed five corpses from a muddy ditch by the road, all apparently Bosnian Croats.

7.   Nowak spoke with coroners who had exhumed five corpses, all apparently Bosnian Croats, from a muddy ditch by the road.

8.   Scientists exhume frozen corpses searching for flu strain.

9.   The newspaper said the only ones not joining in the celebration were the police, who now have to exhume the corpse and try to find its real identity.

10.   Filipino forensics experts who exhumed the corpse for a second autopsy earlier this month stood by their contrary opinion.

v. + corpse >>共 211
find 8.55%
see 4.72%
identify 3.39%
remove 2.80%
discover 2.65%
collect 2.65%
bury 2.51%
take 2.36%
exhume 2.21%
carry 2.21%
exhume + n. >>共 37
body 55.32%
remains 13.62%
corpse 6.38%
grave 4.68%
dead 1.28%
head 1.28%
skeleton 1.28%
truth 1.28%
area 0.85%
brother-in-law 0.85%
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