1.   Although it is by no means certain that the courts would uphold such a contention, groups should nevertheless exercise care in this area.

2.   Because of the corrosive nature of some machine washing agents some care should be exercised on items selected for this form of disinfection.

3.   Care must be exercised however as certain colours have specific connotations which May be important if colour codes are used.

4.   Care should be exercised with convection ovens to prevent solution ingress to the motor.

5.   If a teacher fails to exercise reasonable care to protect his or her students from injury, the teacher is negligent.

6.   Overall, we believe care must be exercised in moving towards a more comprehensive, integrated system of quality control.

7.   The duty in the law of negligence is not a duty to exercise reasonable care to avoid risk of causing injury.

8.   There is an implied duty upon partners to exercise reasonable care in the performance of their duties under the agreement.

v. + care >>共 361
provide 13.11%
take 12.05%
receive 7.00%
need 5.12%
get 3.99%
require 3.37%
seek 3.07%
improve 2.97%
manage 2.94%
help 2.34%
exercise 1.65%
exercise + n. >>共 284
caution 13.19%
option 12.80%
right 10.63%
restraint 8.98%
power 8.36%
control 6.02%
influence 3.50%
authority 2.74%
discretion 2.24%
care 1.80%
每页显示:    共 50