1.   Me the eternal optimist must now concede that Leeds have very little chance of winning the league this year.

2.   Assuming their traditional role as eternal optimists, many union leaders said they were confident that once the election was over, solidarity would reign once more.

3.   Asked to sum up his feelings, this eternal optimist quoted one of the classic four-character idioms the Chinese have for every situation.

4.   But I think golfers are eternal optimists.

5.   ButMark Cuban is an eternal optimist.

6.   By late last October, a month into the latest Palestinian uprising against Israel, even eternal optimists were resorting to prayer.

7.   CSUN coach Jeff Kearin - the eternal optimist - tried to remain upbeat Friday.

8.   Either way Croce, the eternal optimist, said better days are ahead for the franchise.

9.   Even manager Tom Lasorda, the eternal optimist, had to admit the road to tonight was not easy.

10.   He is the eternal optimist as befits a man who is widely given much of credit for the rise of his sport from occasional diversion to national passion.

a. + optimist >>共 84
eternal 15.58%
cockeyed 7.79%
incurable 4.55%
born 2.60%
incorrigible 2.60%
perennial 2.60%
biggest 1.95%
inveterate 1.95%
wild-eyed 1.95%
diehard 1.30%
eternal + n. >>共 317
life 8.64%
capital 6.12%
flame 5.05%
youth 3.19%
optimist 3.19%
damnation 2.66%
vigilance 2.66%
love 1.86%
question 1.60%
struggle 1.33%
每页显示:    共 24