1.   And against this threat long encryption keys offer no better protection than short ones.

2.   Another is Distributed.NET, which is using spare CPU time on several thousand computers to crack encryption keys.

3.   Before your files are sent over the Internet, they are scrambled using an encryption key that you specify.

4.   A chip in the token would tell the music distributor what encryption key to use.

5.   Even so, the FBI may use recent events to push for more power to intrude, spy and hold encryption keys.

6.   Even so, most industry experts could think of no good reason why an encryption algorithm key would be intentionally shortened, other than to facilitate surveillance.

7.   If you forget your encryption key, your backups will remain gibberish unless you can find an expert to track down your key.

8.   If you change your mind about that insulting e-mail you just sent, you can go to a Web site and delete its encryption key.

9.   Installing the software involves bewildering demands for account numbers, passwords, user names and encryption keys.

10.   It would roll back export controls and ban the government from imposing policies giving it access to encryption keys.

n. + key >>共 207
car 25.96%
arrow 8.08%
house 5.03%
ignition 4.50%
room 3.97%
function 2.91%
encryption 2.78%
computer 2.38%
delete 1.99%
typewriter 1.46%
encryption + n. >>共 76
technology 22.79%
software 20.59%
program 8.27%
system 5.51%
product 4.04%
key 3.86%
code 3.68%
policy 2.57%
algorithm 1.84%
scheme 1.84%
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