1.   Labour has decided that its proposed Scottish parliament would be elected by a form of proportional representation.

2.   And Walesa has played on the theme of fear of the past, even though Poles elected a parliament led by former communists two years ago.

3.   Apart from their objections to any role for Karadzic and Mladic, the Bosnian delegation wants the central parliament to be elected by direct, popular vote.

4.   A single, federated parliament will be elected next year, with elections watched by international monitors.

5.   In Jordan and Kuwait, which have elected parliaments controlled by pro-government blocs, Islamists hold seats and are allowed to voice tempered opposition.

6.   Once parliament has been elected, however, the intentions of voters will be secondary to the question of how parliamentary power will be exercised.

7.   Scotland will also retain members in the British parliament, although their numbers would be reduced after a Scottish parliament is elected.

8.   That could also cripple the highly unpopular Yeltsin, who would rule by decree until a new parliament was elected, but with little support from the people.

9.   Political parties are banned, and parliament is elected indirectly by a complex system of public meetings in tribal districts.

10.   And in a historical first, Dutch-speaking Flanders and francophone Wallonia will also directly elect regional parliaments with limited autonomy.

v. + parliament >>共 226
dissolve 27.81%
address 6.29%
boycott 6.18%
disband 4.90%
tell 4.53%
dominate 3.20%
enter 2.29%
elect 2.18%
convene 2.18%
adjourn 1.70%
elect + n. >>共 249
president 18.92%
leader 5.69%
member 4.76%
candidate 4.70%
mayor 3.55%
successor 3.17%
government 3.17%
representative 2.52%
official 2.35%
governor 2.24%
parliament 2.24%
每页显示:    共 41