1.   Frost has conducted educational seminars on the millennium bug for consumers and businesses.

2.   In between is Lakeside, a Chautauqua-like village that offers recreation, concerts and educational seminars in the summer.

3.   John Powell, executive director of the peanut shellers group in Albany, Ga., said he was looking forward to the educational seminars -- and the networking.

4.   More community organizations, churches and educational facilities are encouraging mental health through educational seminars, support groups and outreach programs.

5.   Other colleges run educational seminars for students to discuss abortion.

6.   Pioneered in Port-au-Prince, the program has evolved into a network of youth facilitators who go to schools and neighborhoods inviting kids to educational seminars and youth clubs.

7.   Prima also conducts educational seminars, tastings and produces a monthly newsletter.

8.   She also said universities should require credit card companies to pay for educational seminars that students would be required to attend.

9.   She encouraged salesmen from Wall Street to visit -- but only if they provided educational seminars for her staff.

10.   Similarly, if there is a genuine need for judges to attend educational seminars, Congress ought to provide public funds for that purpose, too.

a. + seminar >>共 256
training 8.13%
international 5.28%
recent 3.71%
graduate 3.00%
educational 2.85%
special 1.85%
annual 1.85%
financial 1.85%
economic 1.85%
first 1.71%
educational + n. >>共 648
program 7.75%
system 5.42%
institution 5.36%
opportunity 3.95%
software 2.86%
material 2.72%
reform 1.95%
standard 1.69%
background 1.47%
experience 1.27%
seminar 0.44%
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