1.   As the economy weakens, more and more jobs will be made redundant.

2.   Although consumer products companies are considered defensive stocks that remain healthy in weak economies, they can still be hurt if the economies weaken enough.

3.   And that will not come easily if the British economy weakens or if another wave of building depresses the London real estate market.

4.   As the economy weakened, credit tightened, leaving many manufacturers and wholesalers in a vise.

5.   As the economy has weakened the president has also lost support from blue collar state workers.

6.   As the economy weakens, though, some technology stocks may be on the verge of going south.

7.   At Sun Microsystems, meanwhile, executives acknowledged that the economy was weakening but said that the downturn might actually help their business, as companies shifted their spending.

8.   At the same time, the world economy weakened, cutting demand for all types of energy.

9.   At the same time, government expenditures tend to go up when the economy weakens or goes into recession.

10.   Bank stocks are also perceived to offer shelter even when the economy weakens, analysts said.

n. + weaken >>共 563
dollar 8.48%
economy 6.32%
peso 5.10%
yen 4.51%
currency 3.77%
price 2.55%
storm 1.96%
demand 1.71%
market 1.42%
stock 1.22%
economy + v. >>共 452
be 18.14%
grow 7.05%
slow 6.93%
continue 4.27%
recover 2.59%
remain 2.43%
show 1.88%
improve 1.86%
expand 1.75%
have 1.54%
weaken 0.85%
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