1.   A Greek Cypriot was killed by a bomb in a booby-trapped car Monday, the latest incident of an apparent gangland vendetta on the east Mediterranean island.

2.   A U.S. envoy Wednesday formally began an effort by President Clinton to break the deadlock in talks on reuniting this ethnically divided east Mediterranean island.

3.   A U.S. government envoy said Friday it was time to redouble efforts toward reunifying this war-divided east Mediterrenan island.

4.   A senior U.N. envoy arrived Wednesday seeking to revive deadlocked talks on reunifying the war-divided east Mediterranean island, but there appeared little prospect of a breakthrough.

5.   Air raid sirens wailed to signal the start of the silence, bringing people and traffic to a standstill on the small east Mediterranean island.

6.   All are serving with the Royal Green Jackets Regiment at the British sovereign base of Dhekelia on the south coast of this east Mediterranean island.

7.   An earthquake rocked this east Mediterranean island Wednesday, sending buildings swaying and frightened residents fleeing into the streets of the capital.

8.   Clark told CBC Radio he has asked to be replaced as a special representative to help draw up a peace plan on the east Mediterranean island.

9.   Greek warplanes took part in an unannounced Cypriot live-fire military exercise Friday, strafing mock targets in the southern part of the divided east Mediterranean island.

10.   He repeated his proposal for a complete demilitarization of the east Mediterranean island.

n. + island >>共 148
barrier 13.63%
resort 13.35%
desert 8.34%
prison 6.40%
east 5.29%
afternoon 4.87%
morning 3.62%
holiday 3.06%
tourist 3.06%
year 2.23%
east + n. >>共 194
side 15.78%
wind 9.44%
slope 8.12%
country 7.27%
end 7.04%
section 5.18%
bank 2.94%
island 2.94%
nation 2.63%
coast 2.40%
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