1.   Addressing the conference Castro repeated his opposition to Western multiparty systems, describing them as the grand instrument of imperialism which fragmented and divided societies.

2.   But the contest for that seat has been bitter, laced with assertions of racism and deceit and exposing the deep racial lines that still divide South African society.

3.   Clearly, members of the religious right believe they have found a winning issue in their efforts to divide society against the gay community.

4.   In other words, he wants the very word used by apartheid to divide this society to be turned on its head to define a new, nonracial unity.

5.   In fact, these outbursts suggest that the bitter political debate dividing Venezuelan society is, not surprisingly, paralleled in the barracks.

6.   Less than a year ago, Israeli society was sharply divided.

7.   On this question both Israeli and Arab societies are deeply divided.

8.   Our economy was in trouble, our society was divided, our political system was paralyzed.

9.   The deal means that Barak was forced to side with sectarians against secularists in a fundamental dispute that divides Israeli society.

10.   Then, too, the war spilled over into France, dividing its society and destroying the Fourth Republic.

v. + society >>共 409
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protect 2.61%
create 2.16%
divide 2.07%
reflect 1.89%
help 1.62%
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build 1.53%
benefit 1.44%
divide + n. >>共 1107
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analyst 2.25%
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