1.   The paintings are displayed chronologically.

2.   An attractive, low-rise, beautifully landscaped building that blends comfortably into the village, the museum displays its paintings in three bright and spacious connecting galleries.

3.   And on Wednesday, her paintings are displayed alongside those of her onetime would-be mentor, Sheikh, in an exhibition inside the newly renovated Asia Society in Manhattan.

4.   And on Wednesday, her paintings are displayed alongside those of her onetime would-be mentor, Sheikh in the Asia Society in Manhattan.

5.   Apart from the Chelsea Hotel, with its famous lobby displaying paintings by former residents, art lovers had little reason to make the trip.

6.   At the ceremony, the winning painting was displayed everywhere.

7.   During the Renaissance, Twitchell noted, churches displayed religious paintings of a heaven brimming with luxury goods that peasants could not dream of affording in this life.

8.   His paintings are displayed in galleries in New York and California and hang in a number of museum collections.

9.   His paintings are displayed in a gallery housed in an elegant colonial building in Oaxaca city that Morales renovated.

10.   Now her paintings are displayed alongside those of her onetime would-be mentor, Sheikh, in an exhibition inside the newly renovated Asia Society.

v. + painting >>共 373
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