1.   Activists say Beijing needs to be chastised for disbanding a legislature elected by an overwhelming turnout.

2.   The new king retained the power to name the prime minister, disband the legislature and control the army.

3.   Parliament Speaker Ahmed al-Saadoun said the government was intent on protecting high-ranking individuals by insisting on the special tribunals law, and could disband the legislature again.

4.   Analysts say parliament is unlikely to pass all the amendments, and Kuchma has indicated he might disband the legislature if it fails to approve the changes.

5.   But it says the legislature must be disbanded because it was elected under democratic reforms introduced by Hong Kong Gov. Chris Patten against Chinese wishes.

6.   But it has vowed to disband the legislature, on the grounds that it was elected under rules devised by Patten without its consent.

7.   But it says the current legislature must be disbanded because it was elected under rules not approved by Beijing.

8.   But they have not said what they would do if China disbanded the legislature, and Boucher did not address that question either.

9.   China detests Patten for having engineered democratic reforms without its consent, and is disbanding the legislature elected during his tenure.

10.   China is disbanding the legislature and has set up an unelected substitute pending fresh elections expected next year which are likely to be less open.

v. + legislature >>共 172
dissolve 9.36%
disband 7.41%
elect 7.41%
control 6.24%
lobby 2.34%
dominate 2.34%
replace 2.14%
address 1.95%
suspend 1.95%
have 1.56%
disband + n. >>共 96
parliament 19.87%
legislature 8.21%
unit 6.26%
team 5.18%
group 4.54%
militia 3.46%
army 3.02%
force 2.81%
sect 2.59%
cult 2.59%
每页显示:    共 38