1.   And he took direct aim at the vision of global stability that has motivated peacekeepers for decades.

2.   But Sears has a rough road ahead, especially as Home Depot has now taken direct aim at its lucrative appliance business.

3.   Canon has a new series of computers that takes direct aim at new users who want the immediate ability to cruise the Internet.

4.   Finally, the coach took direct aim at the NCAA.

5.   HP is taking direct aim at Sun, which has sold Starfires as fast as it could build them.

6.   In Cairo, President Hosni Mubarak took direct aim at Iraqi leaders in an interview with the government newspaper Al Gomhuriya.

7.   It wrapped conference papers in a cover that took direct aim at the best-selling Marlboro cigarette brand.

8.   Last week, the White House took direct aim at Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York, a favorite target for Republicans.

9.   On its Web site, the Vietnamese Embassy takes more direct aim at American catfish farmers.

10.   Scientists say that gene therapy makes more sense than radiation because it takes direct aim at cancer cells while leaving normal cells intact.

a. + aim >>共 291
main 11.39%
political 4.60%
ultimate 4.52%
primary 3.47%
stated 2.64%
key 2.34%
dead 1.89%
same 1.73%
high 1.73%
long-term 1.66%
direct 1.58%
direct + n. >>共 612
talk 4.05%
investment 3.79%
contact 3.66%
link 3.19%
hit 2.85%
election 1.91%
negotiation 1.65%
access 1.63%
result 1.60%
involvement 1.55%
aim 0.17%
每页显示:    共 21