1.   Because the parameters are free to change between periods, different individuals can have different patterns of hazard.

2.   Different individuals Marked with the white smoke.

3.   Different individuals project different internal situations into the shared real situation and experience these somewhat differently.

4.   Some such concept is required to explain why different individuals reach different solutions in diagnosing and providing remedies for particular situations.

5.   Different individuals may place themselves at different points in the middle of the continuum and use a range of varieties above and below their home base.

6.   Widely differing accents and a range of grammatical forms from near-basilectal Creole to British Standard can be heard from different individuals participating in a single conversation.

7.   Babies are already being made in the United States with mitochondria from a donor, meaning that they have DNA from three different individuals.

8.   But finding the right drug for patients is often difficult because different individuals can react very differently to the same blood pressure medication.

9.   But he sounded like a totally different individual once the questions began.

10.   But she added that different individuals might react differently to the amines.

a. + individual >>共 734
wealthy 10.90%
private 9.25%
single 2.67%
specific 1.87%
particular 1.60%
healthy 1.56%
infected 1.51%
different 1.42%
same 1.29%
foreign 1.20%
different + n. >>共 1053
way 3.56%
kind 2.51%
story 2.01%
type 1.82%
approach 1.73%
view 1.62%
part 1.49%
thing 1.37%
time 1.23%
direction 1.12%
individual 0.07%
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