1.   Another amazing fact is that crystals actually vibrate at different frequencies when they come into contact with other energy fields.

2.   Dispersive instruments use prisms or gratings to separate radiation of different frequencies, by refraction or diffraction.

3.   It is preferable to treat different samples with different frequencies and amplitudes of vibration.

4.   The periods differ, so the buildings vibrate with different frequencies and slap against each other.

5.   These levels vibrate at different frequencies.

6.   We might say we perceive them as separate because they vibrate at different frequencies.

7.   This station broadcasts on three different frequencies.

8.   The radio transmits on two different frequencies.

9.   Because different gases absorb different frequencies of light, the composition of the plume can be determined.

10.   But by shining a second laser, with a slightly different frequency, through the gas, the researchers rendered it transparent.

a. + frequency >>共 245
increasing 14.97%
different 6.06%
higher 5.71%
same 4.69%
greater 3.77%
new 2.97%
increased 2.86%
alarming 2.51%
lower 2.40%
resonant 1.26%
different + n. >>共 1053
way 3.56%
kind 2.51%
story 2.01%
type 1.82%
approach 1.73%
view 1.62%
part 1.49%
thing 1.37%
time 1.23%
direction 1.12%
frequency 0.11%
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