1.   Few firms devote significant resources to research and development.

2.   Insufficient resources have been devoted to the health service.

3.   The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are also devoting resources to this effort.

4.   Considerable resources have been devoted to proving him a liar.

5.   We continue to devote resources and incur costs in developing our international presence, as we believe this is essential for the realisation of our medium term business potential.

6.   The two unions have also devoted considerable resources to promote the formation, growth and development of free and independent process trade unions in the former Soviet Block.

7.   At the same time it aims to devote more resources to special training needs.

8.   An undefined testrequires courts and litigants to devote substantial resources to determine whether a federal court may hear a specific case.

9.   And it says more resources should be devoted to help process a backlog of citizenship applications.

v. + resource >>共 419
have 14.23%
use 6.24%
lack 4.92%
devote 4.17%
pool 4.11%
allocate 2.72%
provide 2.56%
share 1.62%
divert 1.62%
put 1.59%
devote + n. >>共 310
time 14.97%
life 8.75%
resource 6.41%
attention 5.82%
most 4.87%
energy 3.63%
page 2.83%
chapter 1.94%
effort 1.89%
section 1.89%
每页显示:    共 128