1.   But then it describes technical problems with both and offers little further guidance.

2.   The ministry described the problem as very serious and has asked the National Disaster Council to deal with the problem.

3.   A lot of times novices tend to describe car problems in terms of the noise they make.

4.   A metaphor, which has become a cliche in narcotics-control circles, describes the problem.

5.   A. You certainly have described the problem clearly, and the mason is right that it is efflorescence.

6.   After I described a different problem in detail, an Atrieva service representative, reading from a script, asked me to describe my problem.

7.   Alan Millman, a senior scientist at High Techsplanations, described the problem.

8.   But palace officials have denied suggestions from Western diplomats that King Hassan is seriously ill, describing his problems as an aggravated form of asthma.

9.   Describe the problem, and let him know how important it is to him and to the restaurant that this matter be wrapped up quickly.

10.   Even when animal welfare groups try to accumulate honest and accurate statistics that describe the problem on a national basis, they may find the project virtually impossible.

v. + problem >>共 361
have 22.63%
solve 9.06%
cause 5.52%
face 3.36%
address 2.77%
create 2.61%
pose 2.36%
fix 2.32%
resolve 2.12%
discuss 1.64%
describe 0.21%
describe + n. >>共 2049
condition 2.00%
scene 1.49%
meeting 1.41%
situation 1.32%
man 1.06%
incident 0.93%
relationship 0.89%
work 0.88%
life 0.87%
plan 0.86%
problem 0.72%
每页显示:    共 69