1.   A narrow track wound steeply up through dense forest.

2.   As the pace of deforestation picked up, the area of land covered by dense forest Declined considerably.

3.   I remember going through a dense forest.

4.   It was difficult to get a good shot in the dense forest.

5.   Not like the Harz with its dense forests.

6.   She gazed at the dense forest, then up at the sky.

7.   She soon lost her bearings in the dense forest.

8.   The steep sides of the valley were clothed in dense green forest.

9.   The track led through dense forest.

10.   They are equally at home in dense forest, sparse woodland, savanna, or even on rocky hillsides.

a. + forest >>共 661
dense 6.23%
tropical 5.89%
thick 3.41%
nearby 3.12%
virgin 2.27%
surrounding 2.23%
natural 1.52%
ancient 1.47%
lush 1.31%
dark 1.22%
dense + n. >>共 369
fog 17.61%
forest 10.39%
jungle 6.25%
smoke 5.54%
cloud 2.46%
wood 2.32%
foliage 2.04%
growth 1.26%
population 1.26%
vegetation 1.19%
每页显示:    共 147