1.   As do their land and sea counterparts, air carriers delegate the power to issue waybills to various types of agents.

2.   Confederation A confederation is an association in which states delegate some power to a supranational central government but retain primary power.

3.   It takes experience to judge correctly how much power should be delegated.

4.   To delegate power and to grant independence are two very different things.

5.   The following month the King formally delegated the powers of parliament to the Bhattarai Cabinet and announce a general amnesty for all political prisoners.

6.   In practice most powers are delegated to the Official Secretary, who heads the Office of Tokelau Affairs.

7.   Finally, delegating power to challenge elected representatives through the courts.

8.   The Council would consider seeking modifications to its Charter to allow it to delegate added powers.

9.   It is not true that Americans or Britons, for instance, have tacitly agreed to delegate legislative power to judges in this way.

v. + power >>共 573
have 20.01%
take 4.91%
use 3.56%
seize 3.15%
lose 2.86%
share 2.65%
give 2.29%
restore 2.17%
wield 2.06%
hold 1.74%
delegate 0.17%
delegate + n. >>共 63
authority 27.33%
responsibility 16.67%
power 10.33%
task 9.67%
work 3.00%
duty 2.33%
job 2.00%
decision 2.00%
detail 2.00%
chore 1.33%
每页显示:    共 31