1.   In a civil case, jurors need only a preponderance of evidence to rule for the plaintiff and the defendant must testify.

2.   As is routine in criminal cases, the judge has told potential jurors that they cannot draw any inference of guilt if the defendant does not testify.

3.   Defendants rarely testify on their own behalf.

4.   The defendant testified without the leg shackles that she had been obliged to wear in court to date.

5.   The defendants later testified they were part of a militia cell.

6.   The defendant had testified that she killed her children in the hope that as innocents they would go to heaven and avoid her own painful experience.

7.   The other defendant testified that Harvey had instigated the attack, and another prosecution witness maintained that Harvey had admitted his role.

8.   The prosecutors have assumed all along that the supremely self-confident defendant will testify, most likely at the end of the defense case, and still do.

9.   The youthful-looking defendant testified about his star-crossed life.

10.   All the defendants testified at a closed hearing on the island of Syros, administrative capital of the Cyclades chain.

n. + testify >>共 436
witness 19.08%
expert 5.26%
official 4.61%
officer 3.56%
doctor 2.70%
woman 2.70%
agent 2.55%
psychiatrist 1.75%
victim 1.75%
president 1.45%
defendant 1.00%
defendant + v. >>共 460
be 17.64%
have 5.94%
face 4.29%
plead 3.75%
include 2.63%
deny 2.60%
say 2.47%
receive 2.00%
claim 1.53%
admit 1.31%
testify 0.63%
每页显示:    共 20