1.   Both of them spoke with longing of the flowering meadows and dark forests.

2.   Down their slopes the flame ran to the low-lying valleys and the dark forest lands, until all things everywhere were ablaze.

3.   I preferred the raven, that black leaf torn from the dark forest.

4.   It was not everyone who would have relished going off into the dark forest.

5.   We emerged from the dark forest into the sunlight.

6.   We entered a dark coniferous forest.

7.   I blundered through the dark forest bumping into tree trunks and stumbling over roots.

8.   Somewhere, in an unknown region, his spirit, his lost ghost, flew above dark forests.

9.   At the end of the dark forest lived a very old religious widow.

a. + forest >>共 661
dense 6.23%
tropical 5.89%
thick 3.41%
nearby 3.12%
virgin 2.27%
surrounding 2.23%
natural 1.52%
ancient 1.47%
lush 1.31%
dark 1.22%
dark + n. >>共 1380
suit 6.14%
side 4.83%
hair 4.71%
cloud 3.49%
eye 3.02%
glass 2.50%
day 1.95%
matter 1.49%
room 1.41%
corner 1.17%
forest 0.36%
每页显示:    共 29